Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Fuller Theological Seminary
Graduate School of Psychology
Division of Marriage and Family
Senior Professor of Sociology and Family Development
B.A.Chico State College, CA 1960
M.A.University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1962
Ph.D.University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1967
Post-DoctoralTrinity Divinity School, 1967-1968
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Wisconsin State University-Oshkosh, 1967
Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, 1968-1971
Associate Professor, University of Georgia, 1972-1978
Professor, University of Georgia, 1978-1982
Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982-Present
Fellowships and Awards
Cross-Cultural Study Project in India Fellowship, 1974
NIMH Pre-doctoral Research Fellowship, 1964-1965
American Senior Fulbright Scholar Fellowship, Cyprus, 1972-1973
American Senior Fulbright Scholar Fellowship, Korea, 1982
Selected Professional Activities
American Sociological Association: Session Presider, New Research on Family and Youth, 1975; Presenter of 10 papers, 1970-present
Religious Research Association: Board of Directors and 1978 Program Chairperson; Presenter of 8 papers, 1969-present; Associate Editor, Review of Religious Research, 1975-1980
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion: Presenter of 9 papers, 1971-present
National Council on Family Relations: Presenter of 14 papers, 1971-present; Associate Editor, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1974-1980
Southern Sociological Society: Session Organizer, Sociology of Religion, 1972; Discussant, Family session, 1978; Presenter of 10 papers, 1971-present; Referee, Social Forces
Associate Editor, Journal of Family Issues, 1982-present
Books Published
Moreland, K., Balswick, J.O., Belcher, and Rubin, Social Problems in the United States, N.Y.: Ronald Press, 1975 (684 pages).
Balswick, J.O., Why I Can’t Say I Love You, Waco: Word Press, 1978, Translated into Korean.
Balswick, J.O., The Inexpressive Male, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1988.
Lee, C. and Balswick, J.O. Life In a Glass House: The Minister’s Family In Its Unique Social Setting, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1989.
Balswick, J.O., and Morland, K.J. Social Problems: A Christian Understanding and Response, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1990.
Balswick, J.K. and Balswick, J.O., Corben, A., and Corben, M., The Gift of Gender, Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1991.
Balswick, J.O., Men At The Crossroads: Beyond Traditional Roles and Modern Options, Downers Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press, 1992.
Balswick, J.K., and Balswick, J.O., Raging Hormones: How to Help Your Sexually Active Teenager, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.
Balswick, J.O., and Balswick, J.K., The Dual Earner Marriage: Coping With Stress When It’s Hard to Do It All , Grand Rapids: Revell, 1995.
Balswick, J.K. and Balswick, J.O., Family Pain, Grand Rapids: Revell, 1997.
Balswick, J.O., and Balswick, J.K., The Family: A Christian Perspective of the Contemporary Home, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2nd Ed., 1999.
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K., The Two Paycheck Marriage. Grand Rapids: Revell. 1999
(mass paper edition of The Dual Earner Marriage)
Balswick, J.K., J .O. Balswick, B. Piper, & Don Piper, Relationship Empowerment Parenting: Building formative
and fulfilling relationships with your children. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003.
Balswick, J. O., P. King & K. Reimer, The Reciprocating Self: A Theological Model of Human Development.
Downers Grove: Inter Varsity Press. 2005.
Balswick, Jack and Judith. A model of marriage: Covenant, Grace, Empowerment, and Intimacy. Downers Grove:
Inter Vrsity Press. 2006.
Balswick, J.O., and Balswick, J.K., The Family: A Christian Perspective of the Contemporary Home, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 3nd Ed., 2007.
Balswick, J.O., and Balswick, J.K., Strengthening Your Family Life, Fuller Theological Seminary, Division of Marriage and Family, (Study Guide to The Family), 2008..
Balswick, J.K. and Balswick, J.O., Authentic Human Sexuality, 2nd Ed. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2008.
Monographs Published
Layne, N. and Balswick, J.O., Ascension at the Crossroads: A Case Study of a Church Caught in the Turbulence of Rapid Social Change. Institute of Community and Area Development, Athens, GA., 1973, (72 pages).
Balswick, J.O., The Greek Cypriot Family in a Changing Society. Nicosia, Cyprus: Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance, 1973 (written as a Fulbright scholar in residence) (92 pages).
Articles Published
Balswick, J.O., “Values and Self-Attitudes of Migrant Farm Workers,” The Wisconsin Sociologist, vol.5 (Winter, 1966), pp. 11-20.
Balswick, J.O., “Are American-Jewish Families Closely Knit?” Jewish Social Studies, vol. XXVIII, no. 3, (July, 1966), pp. 159-167; Reprinted as a chapter in the book, The Jewish Family in the Twentieth Century, edited by Benjamin Schlesinger, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1971, pp. 15-24.
Balswick, J.O., and J. A. Anderson. “Role Definition in the Unarranged Date,” Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 31, no. 3 (November, 1969); Reprinted in Sexual Interaction: The Sociology and Social Psychology of Sexual Behavior, Jacqueline P. Wiseman, Harper and Row, 1973; Reprinted in Love-Marriage-Family: A Developmental Approach, edited by Marcia and Thomas Lasswell, Scott, Foresman and Co., 1973; Reprinted in The Social Psychology of Sex, edited by Jacqueline Wiseman, Harper and Row, 1976.
Balswick, J.O., and Peek, C. “The Inexpressive Male and Family Relationships During Early Adulthood,” Sociological Symposium, Series 1, no. 4 (Spring, 1970), 1-12.
Balswick, J.O., “The Effect of Spouse Support on Employment Success,” Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 32, no. 2 (May, 1970).
Robinson, Ira E., Bronfin, H., Balswick, J.O. “Nursing Home Personnel and Facilities as Related to Rural and Urban Needs.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, vol.11, #2 (June, 1970), pp. 146-151.
Balswick, J.O., “Theology and Political Attitudes Among Clergymen,” Sociological Quarterly (Fall, 1970), 396-404.
Balswick, J.O., and Faulkner, G., “Identification of Ministerial Cliques: A Sociometric Approach,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 9, no. 4 (Winter, 1970), 303-310.
Balswick, J.O., and Peek, C., “The Inexpressive Male: A Tragedy of American Society,” Family Coordinator, vol. 20, no. 4 (October, 1971), 363-368; Reprinted in 36 different books.
Balswick, J.O., “Attitudes of Lower Class Males Toward Taking a Male Birth Control Pill,” Family Coordinator, vol. 21, no. 2 (April, 1972), pp. 189-194.
Robinson, Ira E., Karl King, and Jack Balswick. “The Premarital Sexual Revolution Among College Females,” Family Coordinator, vol. 21, no. 2 (April, 1972), pp. 189-194; Reprinted in Intimate Life Styles, 2nd edition, by Jack and Joan Delora, San Diego: Goodyear, 1975; Reprinted in Development in Adolescence,edited by Herschel D. Thornburg, Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole, 1975; Reprinted in Contemporary Adolescence: Readings, edited by Herschel D. Thornburg, Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole, 1975.
Karcher, Barbara, Ira Robinson and Jack Balswick. “Fichter’s Typology and Changing Meanings in the Catholic Church,” Sociological Analysis, vol. 33, no. 3 (Fall, 1972), pp. 166-176.
Balswick, J.O., and Norman Layne. “Studying Social Organization in the Local Church,” Review of Religious Research, vol. 14, #2 (Winter, 1973), pp. 101-109.
Balswick, J.O. “The Jesus People Movement: A Sociological Analysis,” published in Religion American Style: A Sociological Collection of Readings, edited by Patrick McNamara, Harper and Row, 1974, pp. 359-366; Reprinted in Introductory Sociology Readings, edited by John Owens, Scott Foresman & Company, 1980.
Balswick, J.O. “The Jesus People Movement: A Generational Approach,” Journal of Social Issues, vol. 30, #3 (1974) pp.23-42; Reprinted in Issues in Adolescent Psychology, edited by Dorothy Rogers, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1977; Reprinted in Sociological Stuff, edited by H. Paul Chalfant, Evans W. Currynand, C. Eddie Palmer, Kendal/Hunt Publishing Company, 1977.
Balswick, J.O., Paschalis, C. “The Effect of Urbanization Upon Household Structures in Cyprus,” International Journal of Sociology of the Family, vol. 4, no. 1 (Spring, 1974), 101-108.
Balswick, J.O. “Parental Stimulus for Adolescent Rebellion,” Adolescence, vol.10, no. 38 (Summer, 1975), pp.253-266; Reprinted in Readings in Child Development and Relationships, by Russell and Mollie Smart, New York: Harper and Row, 1977; Reprinted in Adolescents: Development and Relationships, edited by Russell and Mollie Smart, New York: Harper, 1978.
Balswick, J.O., Ward, D., and Carlson, D., “Theological and Socio-Political Belief Change Among Religiously Conservative Students,” Review of Religious Research, vol. 17, no. 1 (Fall, 1975), 61-67.
Balswick, J.O., “The Function of the Dowry System in a Rapidly Modernizing Society: The Case of Cyprus,” International Journal of Sociology of the Family, vol. 5, no. 2 (Fall, 1975), 158-167.
Balswick, J.O., “Why Husbands Can’t Say ‘I Love You’,” in the Forty-Nine Percent Majority: Readings on the Male Sex Role, by Deborah S. David and Robert Brannon, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975, originally published in Woman’s Day, April, 1974.
Balswick, J.O., and Ward, D., “The Nature of Man and Scientific Models of Society,” American Scientific Affiliation, vol. 28, no. 4 (December, 1976), 181-185.
Abernathy, T., Robinson, I., Balswick, J.O., and King, K., “Sexual Attitudes, Behavior, and Religiosity,” Adolescence, vol. XI, no. 44 (Winter, 1976), 535-539.
Balswick, J.O., and Averett, C., “Differences in Expressiveness: Gender, Interpersonal Orientation, and Perceived Parental Expressiveness as Contributing Factors,” Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 39, no. 1 (February, 1977), 121-127.
King, K., Balswick, J.O., and Robinson, I., “The Continuing Sexual Revolution Among College Females,” Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 39, no. 3 (August, 1977), 455-459; Reprinted in Marriage and Family, edited by James M. Henslin, Glenco: The Free Press, 1981.
Balswick, J.O. and Balkwell, J. “Self-Disclosure to Same and Opposite-Sex Parents: An Empirical Test of Insights from Role Theory,” Sociometry, vol. 40, no.3 (September, 1977),pp.282-286.
Layne, N. and Balswick, J.O., “Church Generation: A Neglected Research Issue in the Sociology of Religion,” Sociological Analysis, vol. 19, no. 1 (Fall, 1977), pp. 258-265.
Ward, D., and Balswick, J.O., “Strong Men and Virtuous Women: A Content Analysis of Sex Role Stereotypes,” Pacific Sociological Review, vol. 21, no. 1 (January, 1978, pp. 45-53); Reprinted in Readings for Introductory Sociology, edited by Richard Larson, New York: Oxford Press, 1981.
Balswick, J.O., and Balkwell, J.W., “Religious Orthodoxy and Emotionality,” Review of Religious Research, vol. 19, no. 3 (Spring, 1978).
Balswick, J.O. “Comparative Earnings of Greek Cypriot Women and Men,” Sex Role: A Journal of Research, vol. 4, no. 6 (1978), pp. 877-885.
Balkwell, C., Balswick, J.O., and Balkwell, J., “On Black and White Family Patterns in America: Their Impact on the Expressive Aspect of Sex Role Socialization,” Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 40, no. 4 (November, 1978).
Balswick, J.O., “The Effect of a Broken Home Upon Children’s Feelings and Expression of Feelings,” The Family Life Educator, vol. 9, no. 2 (Fall/Winter, 1978), 3-6.
Balswick, J.O., “The Inexpressive Male: Functional Conflict and Role Theory as Contrasting Explanations,” Family Coordinator, vol. 28, no. 3 (July, 1979).
Abernathy, T., Robinson, I.E., Balswick, J.O., and King, K., “A Comparison of the Sexual Attitudes and Behavior of Rural, Suburban and Urban Adolescents,” Adolescence, vol.. XIV, no. 54 (Summer, 1979).
Slevins, K. and Balswick, J.O., “Sex Differences in Perceived Parental Expressiveness,” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, vol. 6, no. 2 (1980), 298-299.
Balswick, J.O. “Changing Female/Male Roles in Christian Perspectives,” A Reader in Sociology: Christian Perspectives, Scottsdale, PA: Herald Press, 1980.
Price, S. and Balswick, J.O., “The Non-institutions: Divorce, Separation, and Remarriage,” Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 42, no. 4 (November, 1980).
Balswick, J.K. and Balswick, J.O., “Where Have All the Alienated Students Gone,” Adolescence, vol. 15, no. 59 (1980), 691-697.
Balswick, J.O., “The Expressive Male,” in The Forty-Nine Percent Majority: Readings on the Male Sex Role, 2nd ed. Edited by Deborah S. David and Robert Brannon, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1981.
Balswick, J.O., “Types of inexpressiveness Male Roles,” in Men in Difficult Times, edited by Robert Lewis, New York: Random House, 1981.
Balswick, J.O., “Personality vs. Strategy: A Reply to Sattel,” in The Forty-Nine Percent Majority: Readings on the Male Sex Role, 2nd edition. Edited by Deborah S. David and Robert Brannon, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1981.
Davidson, B., Balswick, J.O., and Halverson, C., “Factor Analysis of Self-Disclosure for Adolescents,” Adolescence, vol. 16, no. 60 (1981).
Karcher, B., Balswick, J.O., and Robinson, I., “Empiricism, Symbolic Realism, and the Mystique of the Extreme,” Sociological Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 1 (Winter, 1981), pp. 93-103.
Balkwell, C., and Balswick, J.O., “Subsistence Economy, Family Structure, and the Status of the Elderly,” Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 43 (May, 1981), pp. 423-429.
Karcher, B. and Balswick, J.O. “Changing Sex Roles: A Case of Reality Reconstruction,” International Journal of Sociology of the Family, vol.11, no.1 (1981).
Ward, D. and Balswick, J.O., “Responsibility in 1984,” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, vol. 33. No. 1 (March, 1981), 24-29.
Balswick, J.O., “Male Inexpressiveness: Psychological & Social Aspects,” in Men in Transition: Theory and Therapy, edited by Kenneth Solomon and Norman B. Levy, New York: Plenum Publishing Co., 1982.
Balswick, J.O. and Ingoldsly, B., “Heroes and Heroines Among American Adolescents,” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, vol. 8, no. 3 (February, 1982), 243-249.
Balswick, J.O., “Strong Men and Virtuous Women: Changing Male and Female Roles in Korea,” Royal Asiatic Society Transactions, Spring, 1982.
Davidson, B., Balswick, J.O., and Halverson, C., “The Relation Between Spousal Affective Self-Disclosure and Marital Adjustment,” Home Economics Research Journal, vol.11, no.4, (June, 1983), pp. 381-391.
Davidson, B., Balswick, J.O., and Halverson, C., “Affective Self-Disclosure and Marital Adjustment: A Test of Equity Theory,” Journal of Marriage and Family, vol. 45, no. 1 (February, 1983).
Dosser, D., Balswick, J.O., and Halverson, C., “The Situational Context of Emotional Expressiveness,” Journal of Counseling Psychology, vol. 30, no. 3 (1983), 375-387.
Dosser, D. and Balswick, J.O., “Male Inexpressiveness and Relationships: Fertile Ground for Research,” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1986.
Coleman N. and Balswick, J.O., “Identity Change Among Older and Younger Men,” chapter in Men in Families, edited by Robert Lewis and Robert Salt, Beverly Hills: Sage Press, 1986.
Balswick, J.O., “Sociology, Christianity, and Humanity,” and “The Psychological Captivity of Evangelicalism,” two (2) chapters in Christian Perspectives on the Sociology of Religion and Religious Sociology, edited by William H. Swatos, Jr., Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1987.
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K., “A Theological Basis for Family Relationships, Journal of Psychology and Christianity, vol. 6, no. 3 (Fall) 1987.
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K., “The Family: Heaven or Haven,” chapter in The Sociological Perspective: A Value-Committed Approach, edited by Michale Leming, Raymond Devries, and Brendan Furnish, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988.
Balswick, J.O. and Wright, W. “A Complementary Empowering Model or Ministerial Leadership,” Pastoral Psychology, vol. 37 (1), Fall, 1988, 3-14. Reprinted in The Best in Theology, Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today, Inc., 1989.
Balswick, J.O., and Balswick, J.K., “A Maturity Empowering Model of Christian Parenting,” Journal of Psychology and Theology, vol. 17, no. 1, 1989, 36-43.
Balswick, J.O., “Towards a Social Theology of Punishment,” Perspectives on Science and Christianity, vol. 41, no. 4 (December, 1989).
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K., “A Christian Perspective on Gender Roles,” Christianity Today, July 1990.
Balswick, J.O., “Social Science,” Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling, edited by Rodney Hunter, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1990.
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K., “Social Relationships and Social Structure: Biblically Prescribed Ideals,” Social Problems: Christian Perspective, Eds., DeSanto, C., Poloma, M., and Lindblade, Z., 1991.
Balswick, J.O., “Personality, Society and Culture,” Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling, edited by Rodney Hunter: Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1992.
Balswick, J.O., “Religion and Social Class,” Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, edited by William Ferris and Charles Wilson, 1992.
Thoburn, J. and Balswick, J.O., “A Prevention Approach to Infidelity Among Male Protestant Clergy,” in Pastoral Psychology, vol. 42, no. 1, 1993, 45-51.
Thoburn, J. and Balswick, J.O., “An Evaluation of Infidelity Among Male Protestant Clergy,” in Pastoral Psychology, vol. 3, no. 48, 1994, 285-294.
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K., “Gender Relationships and Marital Power,” in Families in Multicultural Perspective (edited by Brom Ingoldsky and Suzanna Smith) NY: Guilford Press, 1995.
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K., “The Future of Religious Education of the Family,” in A Handbook of Religious Education of the Family (edited by Blake Neff and Don Ratcliff) Birmingham: Religious Education Press, 1996.
Thoburn, J. and Balswick, J.O. “Demographic Data on Extra-Marital Sexual Behavior in Ministry,” Pastoral Psychology, vol. 46, no. 6 (July 1998), 447-457.
Balswick, J.O. “Gender, Masculinity,” in The Encyclopedia/Dictionary of Everyday Life, Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Balswick, J.K. & Balswick, J.O. “Extramarital Affairs: Causes, Consequences, and Recovery,” Marriage and The Family: A Christian Journal, 2:4, pp. 419-427. 1999.
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K. “A Christian Response to Cohabitation,” Marriage and The Family: A Christian
Journal, Vol. 3, #2, 2000.
Balswick, J.O. “Masculinity,” in The Thoughtful Parent’s Guide to Home and Family. (edited by Paul Stevens and Robert Banks). Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2001.
Balswick, J.O. and Balswick, J.K. “Sexual Harassment: Towards A Biblical Perspective,” Journal of Psychology
and Christianity. 2001.
Balswick, J.O. “Sexual Stages of a Man’s Life” Christian Counseling Today. 9:2 pp. 17-22. 2001
Balswick, J.O. & J.K. Balswick, “Sexual Diversity: An Issue for Counselors and Churches.” In Pastoral Care and
Counseling in Sexual Diversity, a double issue of the American Journal of Pastoral Counseling.3:3/4,
pp. 1-21, 2001.
Balswick, J.O. & J.K. Balswick “Marriage As a Partnership of Equals,” in Discoverying Biblical Equality:
Complementaity Without Hierarchy.edited by R. Pierce, R. Groothuis, and G. Fee. Downers Grove:
Inter Varsity Press. 2004.
Frederick, Tom and Jack Balswick. Evangelical gender identity. Journal of Religion and Society. Forthcoming.
Balswick, Jack and Judith Balswick, “Marital Spirituality: A Trinitarian Model,” Marriage and
Family: A Christian Journal. Vol. 7, #3., 2007.
Married; two children, five grandchildren
Fuller Theological Seminary
Graduate School of Psychology
Department of Marriage and Family
Biographical Information
Senior Professor, School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary.
B.A.Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 1961 Major: Psychology
M.A.University of Iowa, 1963, Major: Rehabilitation Counseling
Ed.D.University of Georgia, 1977, Major: Counseling and Human Development
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Developmental Task Achievement and Marital Adjustment in College Students
Editorial Board, Marriage and Family: A Christian Journal.
CAMFT Certified Supervisor; AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor.
Senior Professor, Marriage and Family Therapy Department, School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2004-present.
Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy and Director of Clinical Training, School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2002-2004.
Associate Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy Department, School of Psychology, Fuller Seminary, 1993-2002.
Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy Department, School of Psychology, Fuller Seminary, 1987-1993.
Director of Practicum, Marriage and Family Ministries, School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982-1983.
Senior Clinical Counselor, Family Counseling Services of Athens, GA 1979-1982.
Temporary Assistant Professor, Department of Child and Family Development, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 1978-1979.
Administrative Assistant Professor, University Housing Department, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 1977-1978.
Counselor, Graduate Assistantship, University Health Services, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 1975-1976.
Career Counselor, University Testing and Evaluation Center, University of Georgia, 1974-1975.
Director and Counselor, Veterans’ War Orphan Program, University of Iowa, 1963-1964.
Books Published
Balswick, J. K. and J. O. (2008) Authentic human sexuality: An integrated Christian approach. 3rd edition, Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (2007) The family: A Christian perspective on the contemporary home, (3rd Edition) Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
Balswick, J.O. & Judith K. (2006) A model for marriage: Covenant, grace, empowerment and intimacy.
Downers Grove, Il.: Inter-Varsity Press.
Balswick, J.K., Balswick, J. O., Piper, B. & Piper, D. (2003) Relationship-Empowerment parenting: Building formative and fulfilling relationships with your children. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
Balswick, J.K. and J.O. (2000) Building strong family life: A study guide. Pasadena, CA: Fuller Bookstore.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (1999) The two pay-check marriage. Grand Rapids: Revell
Balswick, J. K. & Balswick, J. O. (1997) Family pain: Getting through the hurts of family life, Grand Rapids: Revell.
Piper, B. & Balswick, J. K. (1997) Then they leave home: Parenting after the kids grow up, Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press.
Balswick, J. K. & Piper, B. (1995) Life ties: Cultivating relationships that make life worth living, Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press
Balswick, J. O. & Balswick, J. K. (1995) The dual earner marriage: Coping with stress when it’s hard to do it all, Grand Rapids: Revell.
Balswick, J.K. & J. O. (1994) Raging hormones: How to help your sexually active teenager, Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
Balswick, J. K. (1993) Mothers and daughters making peace: The most intimate, tangled, beautiful and frustrating relationship shared by women. Vine Books
Balswick, J. K.& Balswick, J. O., Corben, A., Corben, M. (1991) The gift of gender, Victor Books, Wheaton, IL.
Balswick, J.O. & J. K. (1989) The family: A Christian perspective on the contemporary home. Grand Rapids: Baker House Books
Book Chapters
Balswick, J.K. (2006) “Biblical means to therapeutic healing,” in The therapist’s notebook for integrating spirituality in counseling, (Ed. by Karen Helmeke & Catherine Ford Sori), NY: Haworth Press.
Balswick, J.K. (2006) “Cast of character counseling,” in The therapist’s notebook for integrating spirituality in counseling, (Ed. by Karen Helmeke & Catherine Ford Sori), NY: Haworth Press.
Balswick, J.O. & J.K. (2004). “Marriage as a partnership of equals,” in Discovering biblica lequality: Complementarity without hierarchy, (Ed. by Ron Pierce & Rebecca Groothuis) Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press. Forthcoming.
Balswick, J.K. & Jack O. (2004). “How to empower your children.” (Eds. David & Jan Stoop). Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell.
Balswick, J. K. (2004). “Our careers are driving us apart.” The healthy marriage handbook. (Ed. Louise A Ferrebee) Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (2001). “Sexual diversity: An issue for counselors and churches,” in Pastoral Care and Counseling in Sexual Diversity, (Ed., H. Newton Malony) NY: Haworth Pastoral Press.
Balswick, J.K. & J. O. (2001). “Homosexuality: The Complexity of Explanations,” in Anthology on Homosexual, (Edited by Lars Olof Berg and Micharl Hakansson) Finland: Tryk WS Bookwell.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (1994). “The future religious education of the family,” in A handbook of religious education of the family, (Eds. Blake Neff and Don Ratcliff). Birmingham: Religious Education Press.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (1994). “Gender relations and marital power,” in Families in multicultural perspective, edited by Bron Ingoldsby and Suzanna Smith, Guilford Publications, Inc.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (1992). “The family: A Biblical perspective on relationships and structures,” in Christian perspectives on social problems, ed. By Charles P. Desanto, Zondra G. Lindblade and Margaret M. Poloma, Ipls: Wesley Press
Balswick, J. K. (1990). “Towards a practical theology of marital sexuality,” in Incarnational ministry: The presence of Christ in church, society and family, (Edited by C. Ketter and T. Speidell), Helmers and Howard.
Balswick, Jack O. and Judith K. (1988) “The family: Heaven or haven” in The sociological perspective: A value-committed approach, (Edited by Michale Leming, Raymond Devries, and Brendan Furnish, Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
Balswick, J.K. & J.O. (2003) “Marital enrichment program evaluation,” Family Ministry Journal. Vol 17, No.1, Spring, p.12-37.
Balswick, J. O. & J.K. (2001) “Sexual Diversity: .An issue for counselors and churches,” American ournal of Pastoral Counseling. Vol. 3, Nos. 3 & 4, pp. 1-21.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (2001). “Sexual harassment: Toward a Biblical perspective.” Journal of psychology and Christianity. Vol.3, Issue 2.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (2000) “A Christian response to cohabitation.” Marriage & family: A Christian Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 163-173.
Balswick, J. K. & J. O. (1999) “Extramarital affairs: Causes, consequences, & recovery”. Marriage & family: A Christian Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 419-427.
Balswick, J.K. (1998) “Family goals,” and “Family problems,” in The complete book of everydayChristianity, edited by Robert Banks & Paul R. Stevens, Downers Grove: IV Press.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (March 1997) Editors, “Ministering to families,” Theology news & notes, Pasadena: Fuller Theological Seminary.
Balswick, J. O. and J. K. (1996) “The future of religious education of the family,” In A handbook of religious education of the family (Edited by Blake Neff and Don Ratcliff) Birmingham: Religious education press.
Balswick, J. K. (1992) “What to do when careers and housework collide,” Marriage partnership. Spring Issue.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (1991) “Social relationships and social structure: Biblically prescribed ideals,” in Social problems: Christian perspective, Eds., DeSanto, C., Poloma, M., and Lindblade, Balswick, J. K. & J. O. (1990) “A Christian perspective on gender roles,” Christianity today, July Issue.
Balswick, J. K. (1989) “The circle of love: Sexual intimacy in marriage” Covenanter witness, May: p. 8-10.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (1989) “A maturity-empowering model of Christian parenting.” Journal of psychology and theology, Vol. 17, No.1, 36-43.
Balswick, J. O. & J. K. (1987) “A theological basis for family relationships,” Journal of
psychology and Christianity, vol. 6, no. 3 (Fall).
Balswick, J. K. & J. O. (1980) “Where have all the alienated students gone?” Adolescence, Fall, Vol. XV, Number 59, 691-697
Balswick, J. K. (1979) “The importance of developmental task achievement to early marital adjustments of college students.” Family therapy, Vol. VI, Number 3.
Hallenbeck, D. & Balswick, J. K. (1978) “The Effects of Over-Occupancy on Residence Hall Satisfaction and GPA.” The Journal of College and University Housing. Summer Issue.
Professional Memberships
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Christian Association of Psychological Studies
National Council on Family Relations
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
Married; two children, five grandchildren